Monday, August 22, 2011

Stars on Stage

A real performance is so much different that an dress rehearsal. How? We did it last night. The theme was a lonely chameleon who hadn't got any colour and was lonely and grey. All of our groups gave it colour - Green, gold, red, blue orange and purple. It all started "Are we ready, has everyone got their makeup and face paint on?" asked Mrs Stevenson. I was ready to scream out - "I'm not ready for this!" "Are you ready to perform at the Regent Theatre?" asked Miss Tanagta. Now I was beginning to burst with excitement but on the other-side still a little scared. Jemma age 7

"Has everyone got their makeup and hair done?" asked Mrs Stevenson. All the children responded, "Yes." Onto the bus we went. We arrived at the Regent Theatre and saw loads of people waiting in the audience. Are we performing in front of ALL these people. I just wanted to scream. I was so nervous. The schools who performed before us made it look easy. All too soon we got to sneak backstage to get ready. Before I knew it the music started and the cheers grew higher. Onto the stage we went.
Georgia 8

Yesterday all the kids from all over Dunedin went to the Regent Theatre to perform an exquisite dance. I was thrilled how many people came to watch. Have you ever performed in the theatre?
First we put on our fabulous blue costumes and then we did our hair and makeup. The green group boys looked like aliens. Gold group looked like billionaires with sparkly t-shirts. When we were done with our performance we went outside. It was so cold that I felt like I was in Antarctica! "I see the bus" I said in excitement. For the bus trip we could pick a buddy. I chose Maisie. I call her mysterious Maisie. I picked her as my buddy because if I get nervous she'll support me. What a night! Elizabeth 8

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